Eggs from happy hens
Quality products from farmers
Free range eggs
It is a well known fact that not all eggs are the same. Free range eggs bearing the "Roter Hahn" brand are the perfect proof that eggs from happy hens taste noticeably better. Two factors play a crucial role in the flawless quality of eggs from South Tyrolean farms: the hens have unlimited access to outdoor space during the day, lots of options for moving around and plenty of nests and perches. The second factor is the high-quality feed of only plant origin that is free of genetically modified organisms. This is what makes for the safeness and fantastic taste of dishes made with eggs of the "Roter Hahn" brand.
It is a well known fact that not all eggs are the same. Free range eggs bearing the "Roter Hahn" brand are the perfect proof that eggs from happy hens taste noticeably better. Two factors play a crucial role in the flawless quality of eggs from South Tyrolean farms: the hens have unlimited access to outdoor space during the day, lots of options for moving around and plenty of nests and perches. The second factor is the high-quality feed of only plant origin that is free of genetically modified organisms. This is what makes for the safeness and fantastic taste of dishes made with eggs of the "Roter Hahn" brand.
Farm search
Farms with free range eggs
These farms offer free range eggs:
These farms offer free range eggs:
- Freilandeier
- Organic roast chicken
- Freilandeier
- Freilandeier
- Freilandeier
- Freilandeier
- Käse & Milchprodukte
- Freilandeier
- Freilandeier
- Sweet and sour kohlrabi
- Soßen & Eingelegtes
- Fruchtsirup
- ...
- Fruchtaufstriche
- Pepper spread
- Chilli sauce
- Habanero spread
- Freilandeier
- Sweet & sour pumpkin
- Chili in vinegar
- Sweet & sour courgettes