&noscript=1 /> Cider - the taste sensation from South Tyrol

Fresh, fruity & bubbly

Quality products

Quality products from farmers



Fruit is not only good in juices, which is proven by cider, also commonly known as ‘fruit wine.’ Whether it’s made from stone fruit or berries, the fruity flavour and the tanginess of the drink can sweeten your everyday as well as special occasions and be extremely refreshing. You won’t find any concentrates, additives or colourings in ‘Roter Hahn’ brand ciders. Only the best fruit from organic or integrated farms is crushed and immediately processed into juice; freshness is the top priority here. The subsequent fermentation process makes for a delicate bubbliness and the maximum enjoyment in drinking!

Fruit is not only good in juices, which is proven by cider, also commonly known as ‘fruit wine.’ Whether it’s made from stone fruit or berries, the fruity flavour and the tanginess of the drink can sweeten your everyday as well as special occasions and be extremely refreshing. You won’t find any concentrates, additives or colourings in ‘Roter Hahn’ brand ciders. Only the best fruit from organic or integrated farms is crushed and immediately processed into juice; freshness is the top priority here. The subsequent fermentation process makes for a delicate bubbliness and the maximum enjoyment in drinking!


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Farms with cider

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2 farm farms
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2 farm found farms found
Widum Baumann
Thomas Widmann  | Jenesien  (Bolzano and environs)
Quality products
  • Fruchtsäfte
  • Wein
  • Cider
Peter und Magdalena Thuile  | Gargazon  (Meran and environs)
Quality products
  • Cider
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