&noscript=1 /> Widum Baumann - Quality farm products in Afing - Jenesien Hofdetail
Widum Baumann
Quality products from the farm in Jenesien/Afing
Thomas Widmann Brunner 1
M +39 335 6956153 info@widum-baumann.com
Fruchtsäfte, Wein and Cider
The farm
Apples with a really distinctive taste ripen on the sunny slopes of the organic farm "Widum Baumann" set at an altitude of 1,048 metres above sea level. A careful pressing process results in delicious apple juice, which is available as mixed or pure-variety. The farm's own mountain apples are made into delicious apple cider.
Bauer Thomas
hopes you enjoy the products
mobile +39 335 6956153
on request
Knowing where it's from
At 1,048 m above sea level, on the sunny slopes below the Salten, apples of the Topaz, Pinova and Jonagold varieties are grown with a unique and unmistakable taste. The fruits, which grow on overgrown porphyry soil, are rich in valuable nutrients. The closed and sustainable production is particularly important to the family, whereby the best possible use is made of the soil and plants without additives. The originality and typicality of the territory can thus be retained.
The climate forges the distinctive taste
Ripe and rich in nutrients, the apples are harvested in autumn
Apples varieties Topaz, Pinova and Jonagold
The apple juice is made from freshly harvested fruit. Pressing usually takes place in November once the harvest is complete. This is the only way to achieve outstanding juice quality, which clearly stands out in comparison to juices made from stored fruit. A part of the pulp remains after the pressing process. This accounts for the natural turbidity and causes, among other things, a higher proportion of antioxidants than in filtered juices. After pressing, the juice is left to stand, the trub settles and the remaining juice is bottled naturally cloudy without additives. Gentle heating to 78 °C and the high acid and sugar content guarantee shelf life.
In addition, part of the juice is fermented and made into sparkling cider. Due to the gentle and long fermentation, the cider is particularly creamy and fruity and is very digestible due to the naturally formed carbon dioxide.
At the beginning we sort and wash
Filtered without chemicals, heated and then bottled
Product display at Widum Baumann
Widum Baumann is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Mountain topaz apple juice
Apple juice
Jonagold mountain apple juice
Pinova mountain apple juice
Dolomiten weiss igt
Apple wine
Apple wine milo
All points of sale
The products from Widum Baumann may be purchased via the following outlets:
Farm shop
on request
Home delivery
Home delivery free of charge Auer, Bolzano, Branzoll, Brixen, Burgstall, Deutschnofen, Eppan an der Weinstraße, Gargazon, Jenesien, Kaltern an der Weinstraße, Karneid, Kastelruth, Klausen, Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße, Kurtinig an der Weinstraße, Lana, Leifers, Marling, Meran, Mölten, Montan, Nals, Neumarkt, Pfatten, Ritten, Sarntal, St. Ulrich, Terlan, Tiers, Tisens, Tramin an der Weinstraße, Völs am Schlern, Vöran, Welschnofen
delivery conditions
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
Widum Baumann
in Jenesien/Afing lies at
1048 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Round Trail Avigna/Afing - Dosso Nero/Schwarzegg
Cable car San Genesio
Church of San Genesio
Round trail: Jenesien - Afing
Tourist office San Genesio
Mölten -Gschnoferstall - Jenesien
Climbing hall San Genesio/Jenesien
Swimming pool San Genesio
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