&noscript=1 /> Unterhölzlhof - Quality farm products in Olang Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Olang
Fam. Peter Arnold Greitweg 2
M +39 346 6060760 info@unterhoelzlhof.it
Brot, Nudeln & Getreide and Käse & Milchprodukte
The farm
Unterhölzlhof farm (1,080 m) in Olang is small but beautiful. Fine, organic quality goat's cheese from milk from White German 'Edelziegen' is conjured up by the Arnold family from April to November. This means that priority is given to a natural approach to pastureland, cattle-rearing and maturing in the cellar. The farm mill grinds grain into nutrient-rich flour. Fresh meat from young cattle is also on sale.
In addition, Unterhölzlhof under the 'Roter Hahn' brand also offers the following
Bauer Peter
hopes you enjoy the products
mobile +39 346 6060760
on request
Knowing where it's from
The goats at Unterhoelzlhof farm enjoy exercise in the pen and outdoors. They are only milked 7 months of the year, from April to November to be exact. That's why the goat's cheese is only available during this time. The goats are fed exclusively with silo-free feed from the farm. Only grain grown on the farm is used to make the flour, too.
They supply the organic milk for the cheese
The grain is sold whole or as flour
Lots of things are tried out and new things created at the Unterhoelzlhof. Thanks to the farm's own silo-free milk and the natural ripening of the cheese, the Arnold family is able to create unique cheese variations. The natural ripening, i.e. the cheese maturing without red smear, ensures an unmistakable and special taste. Grain is also grown on the farm, which is ground in the farm's own mill and packaged for customers.
It grinds wheat and spelt into fine flour
Cream cheese and semi-hard cheeses are made from goat's milk in the farm dairy
Product display at Unterhölzlhof
The Unterholzlhof is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Brot, Nudeln & Getreide
Grain of wheat
Spelt grain
Whole wheat flour
Wheat flour
Spelt flour
Wholemeal spelt flour
Käse & Milchprodukte
Hölzl's goat's cheese
Hölzl's natural goat's yoghurt
All points of sale
The product from Unterhölzlhof may be purchased via the following outlets:
Farm shop
on request, on request
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Olang lies at
1080 metres above sea level.
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