&noscript=1 /> Pflegerhof - Quality farm products in St. Oswald - Kastelruth Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Kastelruth/St. Oswald
Fam. Mulser St. Oswald 24
T +39 0471 706771 info@pflegerhof.com
Kräutertees & Gewürze
The farm
Numerous herbs and fragrant plants grow in an area of over two hectare at the Pflegerhof farm (850 m). In summer the farm is a sea of different aromas, fragrances and colours. In 1982 Martha Mulser was one of the first to begin cultivating herbs and today she can boast of 500 different types of herbs amongst her young plants. Guided tours are offered in summer.
Bäuerin Cornelia Mulser
hopes you enjoy the products
Telephone +39 0471 706771
Monday to Saturday from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Knowing where it's from
Two things play a special role at the Pflegerhof: diversity and organic farming. Over 500 different young plants are grown on more than 2 hectares at the Pflegerhof. The Mulser family follows the principle of mixed culture. Through this cultivation method, the plants stay healthy and complement each other. The circular economy is another important goal at the herb farm.
Choosing the right time is particularly important when harvesting herbs
They are located directly below the farm
The farm is resplendent in spring and summer
The herb seeds are harvested in summer and autumn, sown in the heated greenhouse in winter and grown into young plants. In the spring, the fields are planted with the young plants until they are harvested in the summer at the best balsamic time. In this way, the valuable active ingredients are preserved in the best possible way. The herbs are then gently dried with the help of a dehumidification system and the stalks are separated from the leaves, i.e. the herbs are rubbed and processed into one of the many tea blends or spices.
This takes place at temperatures of below 40 °C in the drying room
Single herbs or mixes are packaged in smaller quantities for sale
The Pflegerhof is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Kräutertees & Gewürze
With good hope
verschiedene Kräuter
For the morning
Kräuterpyramiden + verschiedene Kräuter
For you
Kräuterpryramiden + verschiedene Kräuter
Bread seasoning
verschiedene Gewürze
Alpine herbs
Kräuterpryramiden + Teebeutel + verschiedene Kräuter
Scent of the Dolomites
verschiedene Gewürze
soup seasoning
verschiedene Gewürze
Kräuterpyramiden + Einzelkraut
Children's tea
verschiedene Kräuter
mountain pleasure
Summer dream
verschiedene Kräuter
Mint mix
verschiedene Kräuter
'Good mood' tea
verschiedene Kräuter
Breastfeeding tea
verschiedene Kräuter
'Kastelruther Spatzen' tea
verschiedene Kräuter
Lemon balm
Mix of flowers
verschiedene Kräuter
For the anniversary
verschiedene Kräuter
Winter tea
verschiedene Kräuter
Knight's drink
verschiedene Kräuter
Pflegerhof 'Special'
verschiedene Kräuter
Herb salt
verschiedene Kräuter und Gewürze
Schlern sound
Witch salt
verschiedene Gewürze + Peperoncino
Basil salt
Christmas mix
verschiedene Kräuter
Good rest
Kräuterpyramiden + verschiedene Kräuter
Meat seasoning
verschiedene Gewürze
Evening tea
Kräuterpyramiden + verschiedene Kräuter
verschiedene Kräuter
Feel light
Kräuterpyramiden + verschiedene Kräuter
Fountain of youth
Kräuterpyramiden + verschiedene Kräuter
Heart leaf
verschiedene Kräuter
Alpine harmony
verschiedene Gewürze
Gold source
verschiedene Kräuter
Kräuterpyramiden + verschiedene Kräuter
Salad herbs
verschiedene Gewürze
Zodiac tea
verschiedene Kräuter
Fish & seafood
verschiedene Gewürze
All points of sale
Farm shop
Monday to Saturday from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Pur Südtirol - Roter Hahn
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Kastelruth/St. Oswald lies at
850 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
The ruin of Aichach
St. Oswald Church
Church of S. Vigil
Farmer´s Museum in Tschötscher Hof
Farmer´s Museum in Tschötscher Hof
Golf Club St. Vigil Seis
292 Völs am Schlern - Seis am Schlern link trail
Hike from Seis to Kastelruth
Salegg ruins
Salegg ruins
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