&noscript=1 /> Moarhof - Quality farm products in Sand in Taufers Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Sand in Taufers
Claudia und Roland Eder Kirchdorf 21
M +39 340 0538406 claudia.eder@outlook.it
Käse & Milchprodukte
The farm
“It was important to us from the start that we should only use milk from our own cows”, says Claudia Eder, the farmer, on her approach to farming. Each step, from how the cattle are kept, to the end product of cheese, is carefully monitored. The result is plain to see – Moarhof is renowned for its delicious ‘Graukäse’ grey cheese creations.
Familie Claudia und Roland Eder
hopes you enjoy the products
mobile +39 340 0538406
Knowing where it's from
Treating the animals with respect and good care is very important to Claudia and Roland Eder. Every day after milking, the cows come out onto the pasture and enjoy the generous exercise area there. Because only a healthy and happy cow gives good milk.
enjoy the pasture and the fresh grass
At the Moarhof, the farm's own milk is mainly processed into gray cheese and butter. Graukäse is a matured sour milk curd made from skimmed milk. Depending on the pressing, it matures completely and gets a greasy, glassy interior or a potty core remains. Due to the fact that it is made from skimmed milk, the gray cheese is characterized by its low fat content (max. 2% fat in the dry matter).
Together they make the best cheese
The Graukäse cheese is made from this
The 'Topfige' as well as the 'Speckige' taste excellent
Product display at Moarhof
The Moarhof is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Käse & Milchprodukte
'graukäse' (grey cheese)
Farm butter
Gray cheese
All points of sale
The products from Moarhof may be purchased via the following outlets:
Home delivery
Home delivery free of charge Ahrntal, Bruneck, Gais, Sand in Taufers, St. Lorenzen
delivery conditions
Pur Südtirol - Roter Hahn
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
Drive from Sand in Taufers to Ahornach. Go past the church, above the "Moosmair" inn, at the crossroads. After approx. 400 m turn left (sign "Hofkäserei").
in Sand in Taufers lies at
1334 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Church of St. Anna - Ahornach
Winter walk - Roanerhof
Hike on the Alpinism Trail
Snowshoe hike Schlafhäuser Acereto/Ahornach
Toblburg Castle
Snowshoe hike Pojeralm Acereto/Ahornach
Winter walk - Kofler zwischen den Wänden
Winter walk - Acereto/Ahornach Tote Möser
Waterfall Pojen
Climbing wall Kofler zwischen den Wänden
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