&noscript=1 /> Gasserhof - Quality farm products in Kuens Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Kuens
Fam. Pixner Kuenserstr. 34
T +39 0473 241098 urlaub@gasserhof-kuens.com
Soßen & Eingelegtes, Fruchtsirup and Fruchtaufstriche
The farm
Gasserhof enjoys an altitude of 590 metres above sea level in sunny Kuens near Meran. From May to October, the farm's own fruit and vegetables are harvested and made into fruit jams and pickled vegetables as well as a variety of cordials.“We consider it important to leave the products in their natural state as far as possible“, emphasises Waltraud, the farmer.
In addition, Gasserhof under the 'Roter Hahn' brand also offers the following
Bäuerin Waltraud Ladurner Pixner
hopes you enjoy the products
Telephone +39 0473 241098
mobile +39 340 7432398
Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m
Knowing where it's from
The apples, herbs and vegetables for the refined products of the Gasserhof come 100% from our own production and are grown right next to the farm. Various apple varieties are produced according to the guidelines of integrated cultivation. The vegetables and herbs are completely untreated.
Chillies and peppers are pickled sweet and sour
The flowers are iced by the spray irrigation and this keeps them warm and alive
They are made into jams and chutney
It is used to make tasty fruit jams and fruit cubes.
Red and Greek basil
Each season presents its own varieties for harvesting
It gives the cordial a beautiful colour
It is particularly important to Waltraud and Thomas to process the raw materials they produce themselves as gently as possible. Fruit spreads, pickles and syrups are refined by hand in the processing room without chemical additives so that the nutrients are retained. A special feature of the Gasserhof fruit spreads are the finely chopped fruit cubes, which give the products an unmistakable consistency.
Together with mallow and lemon verbena it makes the best cordial
The careful dessication process conserves the intensive aroma
The diced fruit makes the jam particularly tasty
This way the vegetables can be enjoyed year round
Preserving and bottling requires a delicate touch
Thyme, mallow & lemon verbena cordial at its best
The plums are preserved into compote
The Gasserhof is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Soßen & Eingelegtes
Sweet sour peppers
Cherry compote
Apple chilli relish
Sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil
Sweet and sour chilli peppers
Plum compote
Fig 'mostarda'
Pear chutney
Lemon balm
Thyme Mallow Lemon Verbena
Elderflower blossoms
Apple ginger
Apple mint
Red currant
Pear Lemon Verbena
Spread made from quince juice
Blackcurrant spread
Quince ginger
Apple carrot
Apple basil
Apple elderflower
All points of sale
Farm shop
Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m
Farmers' market
every saturday in Meran Freiheitsstraße
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Kuens lies at
560 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Playground in Kuens/Caines
Pfarrkirche Zu den Heiligen Mauritius und Korbinian Parish Church in Caines/Kuens
Earth Pyramids in Kuens/Caines
Playground at the soccer field in Riffian/Rifiano
Traktor Museum at the Ungerichthof Farm in Kuens/Caines
Path of Contemplation (Besinnungsweg) in Riffian/Rifiano
From Riffian/Rifiano to Schenna/Scena
Tourist Office in Riffian/Kuens - Rifiano/Caines
Earth Pyramids in Kuens/Caines
Library in Riffian/Rifiano
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