&noscript=1 /> Aromatic organic herbs and spices from South Tyrol

There’s a herb for everything.

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Herbal teas and spices

Herbal teas and spices

In the herb gardens of many South Tyrolean farms you will find marjoram, dill, mugwort, rosemary and countless other local herbs. Aromatic herbal mixtures, flavourful herbal salts or fragrant herbal teas are created from them under the ‘Roter Hahn’ brand. The herbs not only have to comply with the regulations for organic cultivation and the guidelines for medicinal and aromatic plants, but, and this is extremely important, they have to be picked at the right time. The freshly harvested herbs are then carefully dried on the farm to preserve them. The temperature during the drying process must not exceed 40°C: This is the only way to retain the full aroma for high-quality products with the ‘Roter Hahn’ seal of approval.

In the herb gardens of many South Tyrolean farms you will find marjoram, dill, mugwort, rosemary and countless other local herbs. Aromatic herbal mixtures, flavourful herbal salts or fragrant herbal teas are created from them under the ‘Roter Hahn’ brand. The herbs not only have to comply with the regulations for organic cultivation and the guidelines for medicinal and aromatic plants, but, and this is extremely important, they have to be picked at the right time. The freshly harvested herbs are then carefully dried on the farm to preserve them. The temperature during the drying process must not exceed 40°C: This is the only way to retain the full aroma for high-quality products with the ‘Roter Hahn’ seal of approval.


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Farms with herbal teas and spices

These farms offer herbal teas and spices:

These farms offer herbal teas and spices:

2 farm farms
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2 farm found farms found
Kräutergärten Wipptal
Fam. Bernhard Auckenthaler  | Pfitsch  (Eisacktal valley)
Quality products
  • Kräutertees & Gewürze
Fam. Mulser  | Kastelruth  (The Dolomites)
Quality products
  • Kräutertees & Gewürze
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