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Town gate "Passiria Gate"

Town gate "Passiria Gate"

Town gate "Passiria Gate"
Via Passiria
39012 Merano
description to arrive at destination

You can reach Merano by car: from the north Munich – Rosenheim – Kufstein (A12 Inntal Freeway, obligatory toll) – Innsbruck (A13 Brenner Freeway, obligatory toll) – Brenner (A22 Brenner Freeway, obligatory toll) – Bolzano (Exit Bolzano South) – Merano (MEBO-Highway) Munich – Garmisch – Innsbruck – Brenner (A22 Brenner Freeway, obligatory toll) – Bolzano (Exit Bolzano South) – Merano (MEBO-Highway) Alternative: Brenner – Vipiteno – Passo Giovo – Val Passiria – Merano Ötztal – Passo Rombo – Val Passiria – Merano from the west Ulm – Kempten – Füssen – Fernpass – Imst – Landeck – Passo Resia (State Road 40 + 38) – Merano Bregenz – Feldkirch – Arlberg – Landeck – Passo Resia (State Road 40 + 38) – Merano St. Moritz – Ofenpass – Münster – Taufers in Muenster – Glorenza – Merano Zurich – Landquart – Klosters – Vereinatunnel – Zernez – Ofenpass – Münster – Taufers in Münster – Glorenza – Merano from the east Lienz – Innichen – Val Pusteria (State Road 49) – (A22 Brenner Freeway, obligatory toll) Bolzano – Merano (MEBO-Highway) – Merano.

General description

Three of the original four town gates still exist. The gates took the name oft the valleys or the towns fhey faced: Val Venosta, Bolzano, Val Passiria and Val d'Ultimo. The Ultimo Gate was situated in what is today piazza Teatro. On both sides of the Passiria Gate it is still possible to see what was once the town wall, built towards the end of the 13th century.