&noscript=1 /> Cute baby animals on the farm in South Tyrol Cute baby animals on the farm in South Tyrol
Babyanimals Babyanimals
It's time for new life

It's time for new life

Clumsy little paws and wobbly legs - farms see a lot of action when baby animals are born.

Clumsy little paws and wobbly legs - farms see a lot of action when baby animals are born. And, if we are quite honest, does it get any cuter than baby animals?

Sweet stable dwellers

The days when animals offspring are born mark some of the best moments of the farming year. The time following their birth is really exciting, too. Baby animals need to be protected and cared for. The first thing to do every morning is take a look in the stable. Have the little animals opened their eyes or attempted their first steps? On the farm, guests can witness the baby creatures getting bigger and getting to grips with life up close.

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