It's time for new life
Clumsy little paws and wobbly legs - farms see a lot of action when baby animals are born.
Clumsy little paws and wobbly legs - farms see a lot of action when baby animals are born. And, if we are quite honest, does it get any cuter than baby animals?

The incubation time for chicks is just 21 days. After that, the farm is home to these cuddly little creatures whose excited cheeping is hard to ignore.

Little goats grow extremely quickly and are very active from a young age. These cheeky kids take the farm by storm.

Kittens love company: between April and August baby cats are born blind. But it doesn't take long for curiosity to get the better of them, when they cautiously start exploring every corner of the farm.

Just a few hours after they are born, calves can stand on their own two legs and are carefully looked after by the farm family. Some brave children may even fancy feeding the calves with some milk.

Did you know that a sow can have up to ten to twelve piglets? And often twice a year? Mother pigs really have their 'hands' full feeding all their hungry piglets.

Please take care: little bunnies are born with no fur and weighing very little. But, don't worry, they soon grow a soft fur coat and their curiosity knows no bounds.

Whether black or white, little lambs prefer being near their mother. At three months old, they start nibbling grass and dandelion leaves.
Sweet stable dwellers
The days when animals offspring are born mark some of the best moments of the farming year. The time following their birth is really exciting, too. Baby animals need to be protected and cared for. The first thing to do every morning is take a look in the stable. Have the little animals opened their eyes or attempted their first steps? On the farm, guests can witness the baby creatures getting bigger and getting to grips with life up close.