South Tyrol Cattle Drive
South Tyrol Cattle Drive
Cattle Drive in Völs am Schlern
in Völs am Schlern
Return of livestock from grazing in Alpine pastures
The traditional Cattle Drive is celebrated every autumn in Völs am Schlern
Livestock return to Völs from the Tuff Alm
Just like every autumn, around 120 animals return from the Tuff Alm to Völs, and the cows in particular are beautifully and elaborately decorated. After the animals are blessed, the cattle drive is celebrated on the festival square in Völs. The farmwomen bake delicious doughnuts and “Tirtlen" for the visitors, and prepare a range of different drinks. The festival in Fiè, which also ushers in the cold season, is framed by performances of the “Goaslschnöller" (whip crackers) and various folk dance and Schuhplattler groups accompanied by harmonious music.
Cattle Drive in Völs am Schlern
Open 10.00 a.m.
Völs am Schlern
Holiday Farms in Völs am Schlern
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36 farm found farms found
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Carolina und Isidor Weissenegger | Völs am Schlern (The Dolomites)
Product corner: eggs, fruit jams, cordial ...
Farm offers: Helping out in the barn, Barn visits, Experience the hay harvest ...

Stefan Verant | Völs am Schlern (The Dolomites)
Farm's own products: milk, eggs, fruit jams ...
Farm offers: Experience everyday life on the farm, Helping out in the barn, Barn visits ...

Hubert Karabacher | Völs am Schlern (The Dolomites)
Livestock, Soft fruit growing
Product corner: milk, yoghurt, eggs ...
Farm offers: Experience everyday life on the farm, Helping out in the barn, Barn visits ...
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