&noscript=1 /> Winklhof - Quality farm products in Prad am Stilfserjoch Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Prad am Stilfserjoch
Alois Burger St. Johanngasse 2
T +39 0473 616413 burger.winklhof@gmail.com
Brot, Nudeln & Getreide
The farm
“We have been farming for generations“ says Alois Burger. Now, since 2008, Winklhof farm, lying at an altitude of 915 m, has also been producing bread in addition to it's cattle rearing and dairy farming. Grains of rye, wheat and spelt are milled in a large mill and then made into bread. Delicious products such as potatoes, ‘Speck’ and sausages can be tasted and bought at the farm shop.
Bauer Alois
hopes you enjoy the products
Telephone +39 0473 616413
mobile +39 349 5694606
Open Tuesday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m
Knowing where it's from
In addition to traditional livestock and dairy farming, rye, wheat and spelt are grown on the Winklhof. The fields are in and around Prad at 915 m.
The farm's own mill grinds fresh flour for bread
The grain obtained is ground in the mill immediately before the bread is made, so that the flour is always freshly processed without being stored. The stone oven is heated in the morning with larch and spruce wood, because it takes several hours for the oven to reach the required 380 °C. The bread is then prepared and baked according to the old tradition.
Only untreated wood fires the stone oven
Free from baking agents, additives and chemical preservatives
Product display at Winklhof
The Winklhof is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Brot, Nudeln & Getreide
Pumpkin seed bread
Little loaves
Bread with nuts
Sunflower seed bread
Vinschger paarl bread
Mini vinschger paarlen bread
'strutzen' traditional bread from vinschgau valley
All points of sale
The products from Winklhof may be purchased at the following outlets:
Farm shop
Open Tuesday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m, Open Tuesday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m
Farmers' market
every saturday in Prad
every tuesday in Prad
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Prad am Stilfserjoch lies at
915 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Church of S. John
Places of historical interests
Visitor centre aquaprad
Information desk
Archaik path
Hiking tour on the irrigation channel path "Agumser Bergwaal"
Open air swimming pool
Beach Volley court
Family hiking tour on the "Gumperle" path
Church of S. George
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