A certified organic farm, Stanglerhof, is a varied, open-minded and yet traditional farm. The Mayer Kaibitsch family grows herbs and berries here that they process into special cordials. “I love searching out new taste combinations and working on recipes“, explains Heiner, the farmer.
The herbs and berries for the Stanglerhof syrups grow in the field behind the Buschenschank. The organic cultivation as well as a colorful and diverse range is particularly important to the family.
The Mayer Kaibitsch family produces a large variety of organic syrups from the farm's own fruits and herbs. Their goal is to design the process in such a way that the aromas of the fruits and herbs are preserved as well as possible. With a lot of passion, they also like to experiment with new recipes and flavor combinations.
Product display at Stanglerhof
The Stanglerhof is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Blackcurrant cordial
Chocolate mint syrup
Lime balm syrup
Rosemary and sage syrup
Herb cordial
All points of sale
The products from Stanglerhof may be purchased via the following outlets:
Farmer Heiner, his wife Clara and their two children live at the Stanglerhof. Together they try to rethink the traditional farm and work according to organic guidelines. In addition to the production of the farm's own products, Heiner and Clara run a wine tavern in the barn that has been converted with straw and clay. In addition, the two are committed culture lovers and organize concerts, film screenings, workshops and exhibitions at the Stanglerhof.
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