&noscript=1 /> Fronteggele - Quality farm products in Völs - Völs am Schlern Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Völs am Schlern/Völs
Robert Kompatscher Bühelweg 6
M +39 349 8603264 info@fronteggele.it
Fruchtaufstriche and Fruchtsirup
The farm
“Of all types of fruit jam, apricot jam has always tasted the best to me“ states Robert, the farmer, on his passion for apricot growing. Thanks to the well-protected spot at 1,000 metres above sea level, the fruit is able to develop an exceptional flavour. Apricots are not just sold as fresh fruit, but also get processed into fruit juice, apricot brandy and refined fruit jams.
Bauer Robert
hopes you enjoy the products
mobile +39 349 8603264
On sale at farm
Knowing where it's from
Robert Kompatscher planted his apricot trees at 1,000 m above sea level in a particularly sheltered location surrounded by meadows and forests. He cherishes and cares for them all year round so that only the best fruits end up in the jars at harvest time.
The mountain climate ensures a special aroma
In spring, Farmer Robert's fields are radiant white
The apricots are processed in small pots with a lot of manual work. In this way, the fruit can be heated evenly and particularly gently. More than 70% fruit and just under 30% sugar are used for the spreads. There are no colorings or artificial preservatives whatsoever.
Product display at Fronteggele
The Fronteggele is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Apricot jam
Apricot juice drink
All points of sale
The products from Fronteggele may be purchased via the following outlets:
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Völs am Schlern/Völs lies at
1000 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Prösels Castel
256 Schnaggenkreuz with Tschafon variant
Hike to the Hofer Alpl and the Malga Tuff/Tuff Alm Huts
256 Schnaggenkreuz with Tschafon variant
Hofer Alpl Sledge Run
Hike from Seis to the Völser Weiher Lake
Tourist office Völs am Schlern
249 Hofer Alpl loop route
255 Schnaggenkreuz Cross loop route
292 Völs am Schlern - Seis am Schlern link trail
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