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The Evangelical Church

The Evangelical Church

The Evangelical Church
Via Carducci 31
39012 Merano
General description

The Evangelical Church and its parsonage, situated by the river Passirio and surrounded by a beautiful English garden, form a charming corner and a living reminder of the cosmopolitan Merano of the turn of the century. The church was designed by the Berlin architect Hans Vollmer, and built between 1883 and 1885. It has a longitudinal plan with a polygonal apse. Today the church is not only used for religious functions, but also hosts a variety of music concerts.

description to arrive at destination

You can reach Merano by car: from the north Munich – Rosenheim – Kufstein (A12 Inntal Freeway, obligatory toll) – Innsbruck (A13 Brenner Freeway, obligatory toll) – Brenner (A22 Brenner Freeway, obligatory toll) – Bolzano (Exit Bolzano South) – Merano (MEBO-Highway) Munich – Garmisch – Innsbruck – Brenner (A22 Brenner Freeway, obligatory toll) – Bolzano (Exit Bolzano South) – Merano (MEBO-Highway) Alternative: Brenner – Vipiteno – Passo Giovo – Val Passiria – Merano Ötztal – Passo Rombo – Val Passiria – Merano from the west Ulm – Kempten – Füssen – Fernpass – Imst – Landeck – Passo Resia (State Road 40 + 38) – Merano Bregenz – Feldkirch – Arlberg – Landeck – Passo Resia (State Road 40 + 38) – Merano St. Moritz – Ofenpass – Münster – Taufers in Muenster – Glorenza – Merano Zurich – Landquart – Klosters – Vereinatunnel – Zernez – Ofenpass – Münster – Taufers in Münster – Glorenza – Merano from the east Lienz – Innichen – Val Pusteria (State Road 49) – (A22 Brenner Freeway, obligatory toll) Bolzano – Merano (MEBO-Highway) – Merano.