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Loop hike to the Kreuzjöchl

Loop hike to the Kreuzjöchl

Hafling - Vöran - Meran 2000 Information Office
St. Kathreinstraße 2b
39010 Hafling/Avelengo
General description

The panorama trail from Falzeben to Kreuzjöchl is an ideal route for sporty sun worshippers.


Parking area in Falzeben, on charge

description to arrive at destination

Coming from both directions of the freeway Meran - Bozen (MEBO), take the exit of Meran Süd/Merano Sud and follow directions towards Meran first, to then turn right towards Hafling/Avelengo. Shortly before Hafling Dorf/Avelengo Paese turn left towards Falzeben.

Route description

The route starts at the Falzeben parking lot and runs along trail no. 14 past the Zuegg Hütte Mountain Hut to the Meraner Hütte Mountain Hut. Next, it goes to Spieler and Kreuzjöchl - two idyllic lookout points with wonderful panoramic views across an Alpine backdrop. The descent leads down to the Maiser Alm and Moschwaldalm Mountain Huts, then follows trail no. 51 back to the Falzeben parking lot.

During winter the Maiser Alm and Moschwaldalm Mountain Huts are closed. Information about the opening hours of the alp inns at the Tourist Office in Hafling/Avelengo.

Public transport

With the bus until the bus stop "Falzeben":

  • Bus no. 225 "Meran - Hafling - Falzeben"
  • Bus no. 204 "Hafling - Vöran - Mölten - Terlan - Bozen" (until Hafling Dorf, than change to busline no. 225)

You'll find the time table on the site: www.suedtirolmobil.info/en/