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Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino

Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino

Kurtatsch/Cortaccio – Penon/Penone - Kurtatsch/Cortaccio

Kurtatsch/Cortaccio – Penon/Penone - Kurtatsch/Cortaccio

Tourist information Südtiroler Unterland/Bassa Atesina
Hauptmann Schweiggl Platz/PiazzaHauptmann Schweiggl 8
39040 Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino

From the main square, we follow the initially steep Obergasse. After traveling about 100 meters - at the little square – we turn to the right. At the next junction - the fountain – we take the Maria-Hilf Gasse to the left, passing by farms and tall old poplars until it meets the road to Graun. After about 100 meters turn left on a narrow side road - marking 2 - leading to the hamlet Hofstatt (608 m). Change to the Graun road until shortly after Gasthof Halbweg where the road leads left to an asphalt road at the Himmelspfort inn – with the possibility of a detour to the village center of Penon (605 m). To return, turn right just after the restaurant at the Himmelspfort. Over a narrow path leading through vineyards, the trail climbs down and soon reaches the paved road that leads to Kurtatsch.