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Campo Tures/Sand in Taufers

Campo Tures/Sand in Taufers

Hike along the sunny side of Mühlwald (Copy)

Hike along the sunny side of Mühlwald (Copy)

Tourist Info Campo Tures/Sand in Taufers
Via Jungmannstr. 8
39032 Campo Tures/Sand in Taufers
Operation Schedules
Route description

The starting place is at the Bruggerhof bus stop in Außermühlwald (outskirts of Mühlwald). At the bus stop cross the bridge to the Brugger farmhouse and you can soon turn right onto trail nr. 65 towards Brugger Alm and Wengsee (lake). Pass the abandoned Unteren (lower) Brugger Alm (1697 m) and the Oberen (upper) Brugger Alm (1816 m) and walk along trail nr. 65 taking you west to Wengalm (pasture) (1769 m) and continue on trail nr. 66 to the dreamy Wengsee (lake). What a view, the effort was worth it! After a short uphill climb on trail nr. 2 through a wooded ridge a large meadow, the Kaser Alm (1879 m), appears. From here you go on trail nr. 1 to the highest point of your tour, the Knappenjoch (2132m). This spot offers a marvelous view down to the many mountain farmhouses on the opposite sunny side of the valley. The descent on trail nr. 1 first goes through the woods and mountain pastures to Putzen Alm (1965 m) and Knapp Alm (1920 m) and then it descends steeply down to Mühlwald and takes you to the bus stop in the centre of the village.

General description

This region is little frequented by hikers. Yet this walking trail is a good alternative on hot summer days and also a good tip for people who love and look for peace and undisturbed places. Good physical condition is required as the uphill climbing is at times rather steep.

Public transport
The starting point is easy to reach with the following public connections.  With bus line 451 from Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures to the stop "Bruggerhof" at Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini. Journey time approx. 15 minutes.
Bus times: www.suedtirolmobil.info
description to arrive at destination

oming from the north:
München – Rosenheim – Kufstein – Innsbruck – Brennerautobahn – exit at Brixen – national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße to Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley – Mühlen in Taufers/Molini di Tures – Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini
Coming from the west:
Reschen pass, Bozen, Brixen and national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße to Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley - Mühlen in Taufers/Molini di Tures – Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini
Coming from the east:
Motorway Tauernautobahn or Felbertauern tunnel to Lienz and continue on to Innichen -Toblach - Bruneck – turn right into the Ahrntal Valley - Mühlen in Taufers/Molini di Tures – Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini
Coming from the south:
Verona – Trento – Bozen – Motorway Brennerautobahn to the exit at Brixen – national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley - Mühlen in Taufers/Molini di Tures – Mühlwald/Selva dei Molini