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San Cassiano

San Cassiano

From San Cassiano/Sciaré across the Forcela dl Lech notch to the Lech de Lagació lake and the Ütia Scotoni hut

From San Cassiano/Sciaré across the Forcela dl Lech notch to the Lech de Lagació lake and the Ütia Scotoni hut

San Cassiano Tourist Office
Str. Micurá de Rü 26
39036 San Cassiano
Operation Schedules
Public transport

Getting to the starting point of the tour or point of interest by public transport is easy and convenient.

General description

Varied mountain hike in the Nature Park Fanes-Senes-Braies starting from San Cassiano. Admire the stunning views from the Forcela dl Lech notch, looking north over the entire Fanes mountain range. Turn your gaze westwards to the imposing Conturines peak. East lie the rock faces of the Fanis group and to the south the Lagazuoi plateau and the homonymous lake.

description to arrive at destination

Follow the SS244 Val Badia road towards La Villa and continue on road SS37 to San Cassiano.

Route description

From the parking area Sciaré, take trail nr. 11 heading east, passing the restaurant Capanna Alpina till a fork. From here, always on track nr. 11, climb to the panoramic point Col de Locia (2069 m) (1h 35min.). Continuing on the same trail through the great swathes of alpine pines, you will come to the Plan de Ciaulunch, a large verdant plateau. At the beginning of this you find a junction, where on the right on trail nr. 20B, you reach the Forcela dl Lech notch (2475 m), the highest point of your itinerary (3h 40min.). The descent is on a steep but well maintained path, to the Lech de Lagació lake. Continue on trail nr. 20 through a steep gorge, which brings you firstly to the Ütia Scotoni hut (20min.), then along the ski slope Armentarola by the restaurant Capanna Alpina back to the starting point Sciaré (1h 10min.).